Computer Literacy

                 CIS 1020 Computer Essentials



For this course,  I have done some projects on Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint after I have learnt the skills of using the programs. I found there are so many special functions that i did not know before. They are so great!



Word Project 

chap3_cap_construction.docx chap3_cap_construction.docx
Size : 19.251 Kb
Type : docx

Excel Project

chap4_cap_barr.xlsx chap4_cap_barr.xlsx
Size : 21.535 Kb
Type : xlsx

Powerpoint Project

chap3_cap_xeriscape.pptx chap3_cap_xeriscape.pptx
Size : 123.648 Kb
Type : pptx



                           Reflective Writing


In this class, I learnt how to use the different functions of Microsoft Office and I think they are very useful. I can use what I've learnt in this class in my daily life, such as my homework and even my job.

Apart from the Microsoft Office, I learnt some basic knowledges about computers too. For instance, the hardwares and softwares of computers, different types of operating systems, file management, how to manage and protect the digital data and devices, networking and security and so on.

I had some quizes every lesson, sometimes about Microsoft Office, sometimes about the knowledge of computers. I can revise them through the myitlab and the myitlab is very easy to use. I can find the reminders from our instructor there too. It's so convenient! I am so happy to have the opportunity to take this course.

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