English 2010--Intermediate Writing

Profile-Jamie Lee Curtis.docx Profile-Jamie Lee Curtis.docx
Size : 28.896 Kb
Type : docx
Report-PS.docx Report-PS.docx
Size : 31.547 Kb
Type : docx
Research Argument Paper- PS.docx Research Argument Paper- PS.docx
Size : 26.872 Kb
Type : docx
Smoking around the kids.docx Smoking around the kids.docx
Size : 38.629 Kb
Type : docx


In this class, English 2010, I learnt a lot about how to write a good paper. I learnt specific formats and skills for different genres. Such as how to write a profile in a more interesting way; how to select useful information from credible sources for a report and so on. 

Besides that, Brandon taught us a very useful skill for persuading people to our stand point in a paper--Three Rhetorical Appeals: Logos, Ethos and Pathos. These could help strengthen our arguments effectively.Moreover, I also learnt about some logical fallacy and will try to avoid making these mistakes in my papers from now on. 

In the four major papers, I like the profile most. It lets me know how to describe things and people more precisely, which i was very weak in the past. It made me know that even a small  and normal incident could be interesting if we write it in a detailed way and everything makes us think about something which might affect our life.

Lastly, I like the way how Brandon teaches us. He gives us much freedom in our writing. It is good to stick with the same topic in the major papers as it saves much research time as well as we can truly understand what are the main differences when writing different types of papers.

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