ART 1050-- Intro To Photography 

Final Project--Relationship 

Relationship between lovers

Relationship between a couple

Relationship between mom and children

Relationship between dad and children

Relationship between grandparents (grandma) and grand-kids

Relationship between human and pets 

Relationship between doctors and patients 


This is an interesting class and I did enjoyed it a lot. I learnt so many skills of taking a nice picture, such as the basic controls of camera, compositions that make a picture looks nice, how to play with the light while taking photos etc. I had fun while learning!

In my final project, I chose "Relationship" as my theme. I took pictures of different thing which represent the relationship with different people. For example, a knitting ball and needle representing the love and cares from our grandma; a chocolate present representing the love between lovers; a wedding ring representing the promise of a couple and so on. Furthermore, I use some related scene as the background of the photos. For instance, I use the church as the background of my wedding rings picture; a cinema as the background of the chocolate photo etc. I believe this can help make the relationship more clear and strong to people.

Ryan is a nice instructor and he gives us a lot of freedom in what kind of stuffs to be taken when turning in the assignments. One of the most important thing I learnt is "Always find the next right answer and there is no an exact right answer". We can take the same thing by different point of views and it would come out very differently. There is no right or wrong in taking pictures. It is art and what it needs is creativity, indeed.

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